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1.Smile Please...
                 Ever wondered what a simple smile costs you?Nothing not even a single penny.Who doesn't love people that smile often even being with them  improves our mood a lot.Apart from the fact that a silly grin releases pleasure and anti-depressant hormones ,it acts as a greeting card to whomever approaches you.Even 'You-Know-who' looks less evil when he's smiling.

 Like who forgets a date where he/she you've been with smiles and laughs often compared to one where she kept complaining about how horrible her exs were.Make no mistake i'm not telling you to laugh like a mad person all the time that would be weird and stupid,rather just smile a bit more than you've used to till now and see the world changing around you.

    Yes,you heard me right;push-ups,pull-ups,do some weights and for those senoritas reading this i'm pretty sure you can workout too.

It boosts your self confidence like sh*t,keeps you healthy,fit,beautiful and is far easier than dieting on broccoli,omg who likes to eat that crap all day long?But that doesn't mean you can eat everything,just avoids the ones you know that would do more harm than good.
Most important of all you'll start loving your body like never before.

3.Live The Not-So-Boring Life.

Do something interesting every single day.Let it be taking a new road to school or work,ordering a different kind of chinese noodles for takeouts or even listening to a new song apart from those ancient ones in your playlist that you hear everyday;these keeps your life interesting and fun.

There's nothing that dulls you entirely like boredom,maybe w**d but that's not my point here;who doesn't get bored when you do the same sh*t EVERY SINGLE DAY?It totally would drive me crazy for all i know.

4.Duck Comfort Zones.

As we all know comfort zones are situations where one feels safe or at ease.Since we live in a society comfort zones are very much popular not everyone dares to get out of them cause everybody want everybody else to accept them or in more simple words we don't do stuff that we ought to have done.For example that time when the most famous lad in school made fun of you in front of everyone,instead of knocking his teeth out you laughed with everyone hoping he would accept you once,when you stopped yourself from going across the room to talk to that pretty lil  lady afraid whether you will be turned down or worse made fun of.Nobody absolutely nobody likes to get out of their comfort zones but if you don't wanna regret about doing something or not doing what you ought to've done then tell your czs to duck off and do stuff you want to,the way you want to .Your mind will probably bring up a thousand excuses for not doing it,don't heed to that cause it will be there,every single time.

5.Get A Pet.

I know a pet,let it be anything;cat,dog,hamster even a goat is hard to take care of especially if you're a busy person but studies have proven that pets brightens our mood tremendously whenever we are with them.Personally i consider people that hate cats and dogs are pure evil like how can you not love em?
They help you through your difficult times,times when it feels like everything's falling to pieces they stand by your side and helps you get your mind off of that thought entirely.

6.Calm Down And Just Watch Game Of Thrones.
  I'm just kidding but it's highly recommended cause there's a reason why its the most famous tv show in the world.

That's all,Until next time.Peace



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