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Showing posts from July, 2017


1.Smile Please...                  Ever wondered what a simple smile costs you?Nothing not even a single penny.Who doesn't love people that smile often even being with them  improves our mood a lot.Apart from the fact that a silly grin releases pleasure and anti-depressant hormones ,it acts as a greeting card to whomever approaches you.Even 'You-Know-who' looks less evil when he's smiling.  Like who forgets a date where he/she you've been with smiles and laughs often compared to one where she kept complaining about how horrible her exs were.Make no mistake i'm not telling you to laugh like a mad person all the time that would be weird and stupid,rather just smile a bit more than you've used to till now and see the world changing around you. 2.Work,Work,Workout.     Yes,you heard me right;push-ups,pull-ups,do some weights and for those senoritas reading this i'm pretty sure you can workout too. It boosts your self confidence like


Hi.I am Ajay and i'm 18 years old and you might be wondering 'why am i wasting my time reading some crap written by an eighteen year old ?' but before you make up your mind let me just tell you one thing,you're AWESOME.Why? Because you were probably thinking what i said earlier cause you had something else to do right? Like watch that new movie you waited forever with your u friends or maybe you wanna text your crush how good she was on stage singing that beautiful song that instantly made your heart explode into a million pieces or even better going on a date with her to that ice cream shop by the lake she loves where the only thing you wanna do is to stare into those beautiful eyes for as long as possible or to look up what kind of sugarless cake to buy for your grandma for her 80th birthday next week from that excellent cake shop in town.Whatever it was you had in mind there was something you had to do right? Yes all of us have to do a THOUSAND things everyday and i